wex v24.04.0
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cwex::about_infoThis class offers info for the version_info_dialog
 Cwex::acceleratorsOffers accelerators for a window
 Cwex::addressOffers an address class to be used by vi address ranges
 Cwex::addressrangeOffers an address range for vi (ex)
 Cwex::appOffers the application, with lib specific init and exit, and provides access to the locale and the catalog dir
 Cwex::artOffers a collection of art, mapping window id's to art id's
 Cwex::auto_completeOffers a class for auto completion on wex::stc
 Cwex::auto_indentOffers a class for auto indentation on wex::stc
 Cwex::factory::beautifyOffers functionality to beautify source code
 Cwex::bindOffers a class to bind events to a handler
 Cwex::blameOffers a blame class for some vcs
 Cwex::chronoOffers a chrono class
 Cwex::cmdlineOffers a command line class
 Cwex::data::cmdlineThis class offers data for the command line parser class
 Cwex::columnOffers a column to be used in a wxListCtrl. Facilitates sorting
 Cwex::command_parserThis class offers the ex command parser
 Cwex::configOffers a configuration using key value pairs with defaults
 Cwex::ctagsOffers ctags handling
 Cwex::ctags_entryOffers information about a specific tag (see tagEntry)
 Cwex::regex::dataThis class contains the regex data
 Cwex::debugOffers a debug class that allows you to use an stc component as graphical interface for a debug process (e.g
 Cwex::dialogOffers a general dialog, with a separated button sizer at the bottom
 Cwex::data::dirOffers data to be used by the dir class
 Cwex::del::dirctrlOffers our generic dir control
 Cwex::test::doctesterOffers the doctest based class info
 Cwex::data::stc::event_dataSupport class for client data stored at the event
 Cwex::queue_thread< T >::event_handlerThis event handler class must be subclassed and passed in to the queue thread constructor (in order to process events of type T)
 Cwex::exOffers a class that adds ex editor to wex::syntax::stc
 Cwex::ex_commandOffers a command to be used by ex command
 Cwex::ex_commandlineOffers a ex commandline control related to a syntax::stc object, allowing you to enter ex commands for that stc object in the commandline
 Cwex::ex_commandline_inputOffers a class to relate ex_commandline to values with iterators
 Cwex::fileOffers several methods to read / write files
 Cwex::file_dialogAdds a file and / or a hexmode checkbox to wxFileDialog
 Cwex::file_historyOffers file history methods
 Cwex::file_statusAdds several methods to get/update the file status, and sync to sync the status from disk
 Cwex::data::findOffers a class to find data inside a factory stc or stream component
 Cwex::factory::find_replace_dataOffers a class to hold data for find replace functionality
 Cwex::factory::frameOffers a frame with easy statusbar methods, find/replace, and allows for file dropping
 Cwex::function_repeatOffers a class that allows repeating a function on an event handler (window)
 Cwex::factory::gridOffers interface to wxGrid
 Cwex::factory::hexmodeOffers a hex mode view to stc component
 Cwex::interruptibleOffers methods to start, stop things
 Cwex::data::itemOffers user data to be used by item
 Cwex::itemContainer class for using with item_dialog
 Cwex::item_vectorOffers a class to add functionality to a vector of items
 Cwex::data::layoutOffers user data to be used by item layout
 Cwex::lexerThis class defines a lexer using file extensions, syntax colouring and comment definitions
 Cwex::lexersCollection of all lexers
 Cwex::line_dataOffers user data to be used by factory classes
 Cwex::factory::linkOffers a class holding info about a link
 Cwex::listitemOffers a list item associated with a file on an wex::listview
 Cwex::data::listviewOffers user data to be used by listview
 Cwex::factory::listviewOffers interface to listview
 Cwex::logThis class offers logging
 Cwex::log_noneThis class disables logging, and restores to previous loglevel
 Cwex::macro_modeOffers the macro mode, like playing back or recording, and the current macro that is recorded or was played back
 Cwex::macrosOffers the macro collection, and allows recording and playback to vi (ex) component
 Cwex::data::menuOffers user data to be used by item
 Cwex::menuAdds artid, edit, printing and tool menu items to wxMenu
 Cwex::menu_commandThis class contains a single menu command
 Cwex::menu_commands< T >This class offers a collection (vector) of menu commands, where the exact type of each command is templatized
 Cwex::menu_commands< menu_command >
 Cwex::menu_commands< vcs_command >
 Cwex::menu_itemOffers a single menu item
 Cwex::menubarOffers a menubar to hold menus
 Cwex::menusThis class offers methods to handle menu commands
 Cwex::data::notebookOffers user data to be used by notebook
 Cwex::notebookOffers a notebook with page access using keys, and that interfaces with wex::frame
 Cwex::pathOffers functionality to handle paths
 Cwex::path_matchCollects data to present a find in files match
 Cwex::presentationThis class defines our scintilla presentations
 Cwex::printingOffers printing support
 Cwex::factory::processThis class offers core process
 Cwex::process_dataThis class offers data for process
 Cwex::propertyThis class defines our scintilla properties
 Cwex::queue_thread< T >This class offers a templatized queue you can put events in, and a thread pool that retrieves the events and publishes them through the event handler
 Cwex::reflectionThis class offers reflection for any kind of class members, as long as you add a conversion from / to std::any
 Cwex::reflection::reflection_tThe reflection type, as a struct of name and callback
 Cwex::regexThis class offers regular expression matching
 Cwex::regex_partThis class offers partial regular expression matching, as supported by the boost regex classes
 Cwex::factory::sortOffers a sort class to sort text blocks, from strings or stc component
 Cwex::statistics< T >Offers base statistics
 Cwex::statistics< int >
 Cwex::statusbarOffers a status bar that calls virtual methods from wex::frame, and allows you to address panes by name instead of number
 Cwex::statusbar_paneThis class defines our statusbar panes, used by wex::frame::setup_statusbar
 Cwex::data::stcOffers user data to be used by stc
 Cwex::stc_undoOffers a simple class to enforce several undo like actions on an stc component
 Cwex::streamAdds run_tool methods and statistics to a file stream
 Cwex::stream_statisticsOffers stream_statistics
 Cwex::styleThis class defines our scintilla styles
 Cwex::data::substituteHolds substitute data for addressrange
 Cwex::temp_filenameOffers a class to generate temp filename, and access it's name
 Cwex::factory::text_windowOffers a text window
 Cwex::to_container< T >Offers a class to keep several objects into a templatized container
 Cwex::toolOffers tool methods and contains the tool info's
 Cwex::tool_infoThis class defines our tool info
 Cwex::toolbarOffers a toolbar together with wex art
 Cwex::data::toolbar_itemThis class offers data for a toolbar item
 Cwex::type_to_value< T >Convert a general type to string, for int or string type
 Cwex::type_to_value< int >Convert a general type to int
 Cwex::variableOffers variable support to be used in macros
 Cwex::vcsThis class collects all vcs handling
 Cwex::version_infoThis class offers version info
 Cwex::version_info_dialogThis class offers a dialog to present version info
 Cwex::vi_modeOffers vi mode
 Cwex::data::windowOffers window data to be used by windows or (file) dialogs