wex v24.10.0
This is the complete list of members for wex::log, including all inherited members.
debug(const std::string &topic=std::string()) | wex::log | static |
fatal(const std::string &topic=std::string()) | wex::log | static |
get() const | wex::log | |
get_level() | wex::log | inlinestatic |
get_level_info() | wex::log | static |
info(const std::string &topic=std::string()) | wex::log | static |
level_t enum name | wex::log | |
level_t_def() | wex::log | static |
log(const std::string &topic=std::string()) | wex::log | explicit |
log(const std::exception &) | wex::log | explicit |
log(const pugi::xml_parse_result &) | wex::log | explicit |
on_init(level_t loglevel=level_t_def(), const std::string &logfile=std::string()) | wex::log | static |
operator<<(bool) | wex::log | |
operator<<(int) | wex::log | |
operator<<(unsigned int) | wex::log | |
operator<<(size_t) | wex::log | |
operator<<(long) | wex::log | |
operator<<(long long) | wex::log | |
operator<<(char) | wex::log | |
operator<<(char *) | wex::log | |
operator<<(const std::stringstream &ss) | wex::log | |
operator<<(const std::string &) | wex::log | |
operator<<(const char *) | wex::log | |
operator<<(const wchar_t *) | wex::log | |
operator<<(const std::bitset< N > &b) | wex::log | inline |
operator<<(const pugi::xml_node &) | wex::log | |
operator<<(const T &t) | wex::log | inline |
path() | wex::log | static |
set_level(level_t loglevel) | wex::log | static |
status(const std::string &topic=std::string()) | wex::log | static |
trace(const std::string &topic=std::string()) | wex::log | static |
warning(const std::string &topic=std::string()) | wex::log | static |
~log() | wex::log |