wex v24.04.0
util.h File Reference
#include <wex/core/types.h>
#include <wex/data/dir.h>
#include <wex/data/stc.h>
#include <wx/combobox.h>
#include <list>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
Include dependency graph for util.h:


std::optional< auto_complete_filename_t > wex::auto_complete_filename (const std::string &text)
 Tries to auto complete filename, the result is stored as a auto_complete_filename_t.
template<typename T >
void wex::combobox_as (wxComboBox *cb, const T &t)
 Adds entries to a combobox from a container.
void wex::combobox_from_list (wxComboBox *cb, const strings_t &text)
 Adds entries to a combobox from a list with strings.
bool wex::compare_file (const path &file1, const path &file2)
 Compares the files, using comparator set in the config.
bool wex::lexers_dialog (syntax::stc *stc)
 Shows a dialog with all lexers, allowing you to choose one.
int wex::open_files (factory::frame *frame, const std::vector< path > &files, const data::stc &data=data::stc(), const data::dir::type_t &type=data::dir::type_t_def())
 Opens all files specified by files.
bool wex::shell_expansion (std::string &command)
 Executes all process between backquotes in command, and changes command with replaced match with output from process.
void wex::vcs_command_stc (const vcs_command &command, const lexer &lexer, syntax::stc *stc)
 Use specified vcs command to set lexer on stc document.
void wex::xml_error (const path &filename, const pugi::xml_parse_result *result, syntax::stc *stc=nullptr)
 Shows xml error.

Function Documentation

◆ auto_complete_filename()

std::optional< auto_complete_filename_t > wex::auto_complete_filename ( const std::string & text)

Tries to auto complete filename, the result is stored as a auto_complete_filename_t.

texttext containing start of a filename

◆ lexers_dialog()

bool wex::lexers_dialog ( syntax::stc * stc)

Shows a dialog with all lexers, allowing you to choose one.

Returns true and sets the lexer on the stc component if you selected one.

◆ open_files()

int wex::open_files ( factory::frame * frame,
const std::vector< path > & files,
const data::stc & data = data::stc(),
const data::dir::type_t & type = data::dir::type_t_def() )

Opens all files specified by files.

Returns number of files opened.

frameframe on which open_file for each file is called, and open_file_dir for each dir
filesarray with files
datadata to be used with open_file
typeflags to be used with open_file_dir

◆ shell_expansion()

bool wex::shell_expansion ( std::string & command)

Executes all process between backquotes in command, and changes command with replaced match with output from process.

Returns false if process could not be executed.

◆ vcs_command_stc()

void wex::vcs_command_stc ( const vcs_command & command,
const lexer & lexer,
syntax::stc * stc )

Use specified vcs command to set lexer on stc document.

commandVCS command, used to check for diff or open command
lexerlexer to be used
stcstc on which lexer is set

◆ xml_error()

void wex::xml_error ( const path & filename,
const pugi::xml_parse_result * result,
syntax::stc * stc = nullptr )

Shows xml error.

filenamexml filename that has error
resultresult of parsing describing the error
stcstc component containing the filename